




European debt crisis, the earliest dating back to December 2009, the Greek government bonds due to be heavily, causing debt downgraded by credit rating companies, had to the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for relief. At that time, most people thought it was a problem of a single country, can not think, in 2010, the Irish and Portuguese similarly reduced assessment; 2011, Italy and Spain, also appeared in similar condition. Countries around the world was full of surprise, this is a chain of crises.

These five countries Total owed more than 8 trillion dollars in debt, equal to 15% of total global capital. Original Lehman Brothers (Lehman Brothers) collapse triggered the financial crisis, the total assets of only $ 639 billion, the total debt of these five countries, has reached 12 times Lehman. If this does not resolve the issue then will hit the global economy.

The direct cause of debt problems in Europe, from the 2008 U.S. financial crisis. In response to the impact of the tsunami, governments invariably raise relief payments, unemployment benefits, and strengthen government spending to boost the economy. Once the government resorted to loose fiscal policy, it is difficult to reply to austerity, the more often owe more to the debt.

Solve the debt crisis in the following ways:

(1)establish a stable eurozone fiscal union

European debt crisis for institutional reasons, the euro zone needs a strong and very stable fiscal union. Fiscal union needs a central financial mechanism. Current European financial mechanism yet to be established. Thus, the national fiscal policy is difficult to unify.

(2) to reduce the deficit and debt

Including the civil service pay and benefits slashed, etc., thus bringing the high level of government debt down. Of course, this process is painful. But no other way, because the European debt crisis one of the reasons is that the eurozone countries have long practiced high welfare policy.

(原作者於 2013-06-07 14:05:27 重新編輯過)

於2013-06-07 17:02:49 補充發言
謝謝各位媽媽的建議,我本身不是學商的,但公司內95%都是學商的。(我本身是資訊相關) 本身英文真的很不好,偏偏又規定大家都要交,因為交出來的東西是大家都會看到的.... 才只好出此下策,不過也許像第一個媽媽說的,就這樣交出去,反正我平常不會用到英文,頂多被大家笑笑就好-_-# 還是謝謝各位喔^_^
於2013-06-07 17:13:26 補充發言
忘了說,我真的是照著中文一句一句放到翻譯軟體翻的沒錯+_+ 一切都是緣媽咪: 639指的是雷曼的資產,12倍指的是五國的債務總額已達雷曼資產12倍
RobynFeng 2013-06-07 14:30:37 #1F
看不懂 = =" 很多地方文法不順暢... 不過,直接交卷吧 不然你交出去老闆以為你英文很好,那後面交代更多工作你要怎麼應付? 工作還是要靠自己囉~ 加油!
一切都是緣 2013-06-07 15:32:08 #2F
版媽, 我是學商的 也對雷曼 次級房貸 經融風暴滿熟 句子很多文法不對, 但是我大概知道你的意思 猜得出你要表達的東西 (很抱歉我無法幫你改, 因為要花太多時間重寫) 我覺得這邊重寫一下好了 因為這邊我比較看不太懂 尤其你放了些數據 These five countries Total owed more than 8 trillion dollars in debt, equal to 15% of total global capital. Original Lehman Brothers (Lehman Brothers) collapse triggered the financial crisis, the total assets of only $ 639 billion (是指雷曼 還是那五個國家的資產?), the total debt of these five countries, has reached 12 times Lehman (是指五個國家的債是雷曼的債的12倍還是資產的12倍?). If this does not resolve the issue then will hit the global economy.
blackswan 2013-06-07 16:34:26 #3F
常幫翻譯幫校搞,本能讓我忍不住很想改.. 看到1樓說的也有道理,就不動手了。 用 grammar check 過嗎? 有點像翻譯軟體翻的,幾乎句句不順暢.. 建議,句子改短一點,會較好懂,也較順暢。
小蜥蜴的媽媽 2013-06-07 23:03:59 #4F
關於文章,我只能用不知所云來形容。 若要修正,幾乎要幫妳重寫,太花時間。 代越庖俎本來就不是一件好事,既然是工作,為了長久之計,建議『據實呈現』妳原本的作品,讓上司心中有底,以後這等無聊的事就會少些~ 我覺得這一份是做測試用的(所以每個人都要翻譯,不能交白卷),只是不知道妳上司要做什麼? 翻的好,給更多嗎? 那妳還是翻爛點,事情也少點。








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