
ET披露聽證會 加拿大前國防部長談美國政府與外星人合作

愛林媽媽 2013-05-18 07:33:46 版主 585

保羅‧赫利爾1949年當選為加拿大史上最年輕的國會議員,8年後,任命於路易士‧聖勞倫特(Louis St. Laurent)的政府,成為最年輕的內閣部長。在一段反對派時間之後,他隨後在萊斯特‧皮爾遜(Lester B. Pearson)和皮埃爾‧特魯多(Pierre E. Trudeau)的政府裡擔任高級職位,特魯多在1968年的自由黨領導人選舉擊敗他。




動黨(Canadian Action Party),致力於改革正從世界經濟中緊握一線生機的銀行業和國際金融制度。

近年來,赫利爾對UFO和外星人科技的存在感興趣,多年以前,在1967年6月3日,時任國防部長的保羅‧赫利爾曾經搭乘直升機降落在亞伯達省的聖保羅( St. Paul, Alberta)不明飛行物正式開幕典禮的停機坪,這個城鎮建立此停機坪作為加拿大百年慶典項目,並且作為一個免於人類戰爭保持空間的象徵,起降台旁邊的標誌上寫著: 」 世界第一個UFO起降台下的區域被聖保羅市指定為國際性,象徵我們的信念,人類將維持外宇宙的自由免於國家戰爭和衝突,為了所有銀河間的生命,未來的太空旅行將是安全的,並歡迎所有地球或其他地方的參訪者光臨此區域和聖保羅市。

然而,那時他的關注於學理多於現實,作為國防部長,他不時收到目擊報告,但忙於統合加拿大軍隊,海軍和空軍成為單一的加拿大防衛力量,他花許多時間在其他工作,所以他好奇心使他暫時擱置這個議題,直到大約2003年,一個年輕企業家,渥太華(Ottawa)的皮爾朱諾(Pierre Juneau)開始送他有關UFO和ET存在的資料。赫利爾誠實地回答說:他沒有時間閱讀資料,但具耐心的朱諾接受這事實和只是不時地送他。

特別在2005年2月,來自朱諾的一通電話促使赫利爾觀看ABC新聞「彼得‧詹寧斯(Peter Jennings)的報導:UFO-眼見為實」。赫利爾很快做出決定,所有的空中交通管制員、警察、航空公司和空軍飛行員,當他們看到UFO時必須據實以報,因為他們沒有理由撒謊,但UFO主題依然保持幾乎無人過問。

期間,朱諾送他一本由退休的美國軍方情報人員菲利普‧科索中校(Lt. Col. Philip Corso)完成的『羅茲威爾後的這天』(The Day After Roswell)的書,那似乎是很好的夏令讀物。

所以一年後,他休假時帶著這本書,和很受陶醉地去讀它,他從內容的平實知道它一定是真實的,他和一位退休的美國空軍將軍電話交談,他獲告, 」每個字是真實的」,他也獲知,有美國官方和其他星系參訪者面對面的會議。

早些天,他獲邀到多倫多(Toronto)一個星際政治(Exopolitics)會議演講,但他決定婉拒,因為他並不是一個不明飛行物研究者,然而閱讀這書和認同內容後,他決定他有一種道義上的責任讓公眾知道,因為這有關的發佈是如此深奧,他認為,這是絕對有必要讓美國和世界人民都知道什麼事正在發生?以及近期和長遠範圍的可能結果,所以他接受了維克托‧維基亞尼(Victor Viggiani)和麥可‧伯德(Mike Bird)擴大的邀請,參加他們多倫多的星際政治UFO揭密座談會,與多倫多大學行星方位大禮堂的講演。


在這聲明後的幾個月和幾年,赫利爾大量收到於來自世界各地的資料─機密的和非機密的,他收得許多書籍,並且大部分都讀了,他聽取一些北美最好的幽浮研究者簡報,並且有機會去探訪目擊者,取得各種現象的第一手知識,這些增長了知識水平和瞭解,使他決心做每件可能的事,協助他們要求美國政府全面解密,因為發佈不僅對美國,對未來的人類是極其重要性的,他的目標包括太空保護條例(Space Preservation Treaty),禁止太空武器的研製。







前加拿大 國防部長Hon Paul Hellyer 解密UFO情報

愛林媽媽 2013-05-18 07:39:09 #1F
加拿大前國防部長 外星人揭露聽證會發言(中英雙語翻譯版)(轉) 2013-05-13 21:42:20 "Let's go to our stand to Honorable Paul Hellyer from Canada, we would give you 20 minutes, sir." 美國國會議員、來自猶他州的共和黨人Merrill Cook:「現在我們帶著敬意請來自加拿大的Paul Hellyer發言,我們給您20分鐘,先生。」 "Thank you very much Mr. Chair, and thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak, and thank you Steve (Steven Basset) for inviting me to speak. " 加拿大前國防部長Paul Hellyer: 「感謝會議主席給予我在此發言的機會,並且感謝Steven Basset邀請我來此次會議。」 My name, as said, is Paul Hellyer, I am a former Minister of Defense for Canada. 我的名字是 Paul Hellyer,是加拿大前國防部長。 I served in three governments, during a total of 23.5 years of Parliament. 我曾任職於三個政府,在國會總計23年半的時間。 Although as Minister of National Defense, I had sighting reports of U.F.O.'s, 雖然作為國防部長,但我有不明飛行物(UFO)的目擊報告。 I was too busy to be concerned about them because I was trying to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force into a single Canadian Defense Force, and that itself was a kind-of battle to the finish. 因為忙於將軍隊、海軍和空軍凝聚為統一的加拿大防禦部隊,彼時我無心於這些目擊報告。 So, this was not high on my agenda, but about 10 years ago I started getting interested due to a young man from Ottawa sending me material on the subject. 但雖然當時我並未留意,但十年之後我開始感興趣了,因為來自渥太華的一名年輕人寄了相關材料給我。 I told him I was too busy to read it, but he had confidence that someday I would. 我告訴他說我太忙了沒有時間讀,但他卻深信將來有一天我會讀的。 He sent me a copy of Colonel Corso's book, The Day After Roswell. 他寄給我一本美國退役上校科索如(Corso)的書《羅斯維爾後記》( The Day After Roswell) It took me awhile to get around to reading it, but I took it for my summer reading in 2005, 之後很久我才開始閱讀這本書,再2005年的夏天我讀這本書。 and was really impressed with what was contained in it. 並對書的內容印象十分地深刻。 What I thought to myself was, 'there are huge issues here, HUGE issues, 我當時所想的是:這些事件關係重大、非常重大。 and the American People and the People of the World have a right to know what's going on because they're part of it, it's not just an isolated thing.' 並且美國人民和世界人民都有權瞭解發生的事情,因為他們也是其中的一員,這並非孤立的事件。 So after confirming the contents of the book, the Retired United States General, 因此在與美國退役將軍確認書中的內容後, I accepted the invitation of Victor Viggiani and his co-hort Mike Byrd, 我接受了來自 Victor Viggiani和他的支持者 Mike Byrd的邀請, to speak at a symposium at the University of Toronto and I said; 來到多倫多大學的座談會,發言: "UFO's are as real as the airplanes flying overhead." UFO與我們頭頂上的飛機一樣真實。 That gave me the dubious distinction of being the first cabinet member of government rank in the G8 group of countries to say so unequivocally. 這是我擔著政府內閣成員以及G8集團國家領導人的雙重身份明確的表態說明。 Since then I have learned a lot from many sources, including a number of the fantastic witnesses that we have heard these last four days. 因為我從許多來源得知了很多信息,包括在過去的四天內所聆聽的一些非凡的UFO目擊證人的講話。 They are so outstanding, I was really blown away with them, the amount of information available, 他們如此特別,我完全被他們征服了,以及(我們擁有)那麼多可用的信息。 and I appreciate every single one of them. 而我十分感激他們每一個人。 But because I am not a ufologist, I'm a politician, there are only a few things that I want to add in that particular realm. 但因為我並不是一個UFO研究者,而只是一個政客,因此我只想為這個特殊領域補充一些很少的信息。 First is in the 1960s, a flotilla of UFO's headed south into NATO territory in Europe, 最開始1960年左右,UFO的一個小艦隊朝南進入歐洲的北約領域。 and the Commander in Chief of the Supreme Allied Orders(SHAPE) in Europe was naturally very shaken. 當時歐洲最高同盟會組織Supre Allied Orders/SHAPE部長指揮官非常猶疑不決。 Fortunately, or maybe Divine Providence, before the panic button was pushed, 幸運的是,或是由於神聖的天意,在恐慌的按鈕啟動之前, the flotilla turned around and headed back north. UFO的小艦隊轉向並朝北飛去。 Obviously, they thought maybe they were Russian, and they were very concerned about it 顯然,小艦隊最初被誤以為是俄羅斯人,而歐洲方面對此十分關心。 Anyway, the investigation was launched into this whole subject, 就這樣,對整個相關的研究啟動了。 and a document was prepared which concluded that at least four species had been visiting earth for 1000s of years, and this is my own view at this stage as well. 研究文件的結論:一千年以來,至少有4個不同的種族來地球,這也是我今天個人的觀點。 So, except for that, there are a couple of things that we have talked about that I'd like to refer to, 除了這個,我還想補充一些。 and one is that we refer to them as "They" until this morning when Linda Moulton-Howe, 那就是我們一直以「他們」(來稱呼UFO/外星人)直到今天早上 Linda Moulton-Howe I think she was the first one, actually named three different species. 我想她是第一個,確切地說出三種外星種族的人。 I have brought my latest book called, "Light At The End Of The Tunnel: A Survival Plan For The Human Species", as an aid memoir, 在我最近發表的,也是回憶錄《隧道盡頭的光:人類種族的求生方案》(Light At the End of The Tunnel: A Survival Plan For The Human Species)中, and I named five different species here. 我指出了五個不同的外星種族。 I am aware of more now, as a matter of fact, 據我目前所知的, I saw a document just a few days ago that mentioned twenty. 我曾看過相關文件說有二十種不同的外星種族。 I think you, Mr. Chairman, might be interested in some of the places they might come from. 我想您、主席先生將會對這些來自於不同的外星種族感興趣。 I have in here, Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, and the Altair star systems. 我的書中有來自於澤塔雙星(Zeta Reticuli),昂宿星團 (the Pleiades), 獵戶星(Orion)、仙女座(Andromeda)和牽牛星(Altair star systems)。 So I do not think we can anymore refer to them as "They", 因此我想我們不能將外星種族統稱為「他們」。 because they are not an amorphous mass. 因為他們是有組織的,並且是獨立的。 They are different species, and consequently may have different agendas. 他們是不同的種族,有著不同的計劃和目的。 I don't think we can say they have the same agenda anymore than we can say the United States, China, and Russia have the same agenda. 我不認為他們互相分享的計劃和目的比當今世界的美國、中國和俄羅斯更多。 Our real interests may be very similar, but as of now, our perceived interests are far apart. 也許我們有著相同的利益,但是現在,我們所認可的所謂利益迥然不同。 One more observation before I begin what I want to say, 還有一個我想說的, and that is that we spend a lot of time talking about the 6 year old cadavers, 那就是我們花了許多時間談論一具六年之久的屍體(外星人), and I was glad to hear Linda (Moulton-Howe) say that their are live ETs on earth at this present time, 然後我很高興聽到 Linda (Moulton-Howe)說目前在地球上有外星人。 and at least two of them working with United States Government. 並且至少有兩個在美國政府工作。 Some of the other species that I have learned about not too long ago, was called the Tall Whites, 還有一些我剛剛得知的一些種族,被稱為高白人(Tall Whites)。 when Paula Harris broke the story just a few years ago. Paula Harris幾年前曾報道過這個種族。 Through her good offices, I had the chance to talk for about three hours with Former Airmen Charles Hall, 感謝她的工作室,我有機會就此事件與前飛行員 Charles Hall探討了三個多小時。 and listened to this absolutely fascinating story of how he was working with... 並聆聽他非常有趣的故事:如何與這些高白人(Tall Whites)合作的。 First of all, he was scared out of his skin, but after that, when he got to know them, 一開始,他驚嚇地失了色,但之後漸漸地瞭解了高白人(Tall Whites)。 how he was working with, and finally they became to trust each other and have and have a good working relationship with the Tall Whites at the Gunnery Range at Indian Springs, Nevada. 並最終互相取得信任,並在內華達州的印第安納泉地區與高白人(Tall Whites)建立了良好的工作關係。 These Tall Whites were living on United States Air Force property, and working in cooperation with the United States Air Force and sharing technology with them. 這些高白人(Tall Whites) 居住在美國空軍的領地上,並與美國空間互相分享科技。 He (Charles Hall) wrote a book, incidentally, called "Millenial Hospitality", Charles Hall寫了相關的書,叫《千禧年的款待》(Millenial Hospirality)。 there are four different versions, but Hall says that "Millenial Hospitality #2" is the best, 這本書有很多不同的版本,但作者Charles Hall說第二版是最好的版本。 and that is the one I read, and it is a very interesting read, 也是我所讀的版本,它非常有趣。 if you want to get inside the problem of what it is like to bump into these people floating across the terrain in the desert. 假如你希望瞭解在沙漠地區突然遇到這些高白人(Tall Whites) 會有什麼樣的問題的話。 Enough on that for now, my interest is in full disclosure. 以上說得夠多了,我的興趣在於完全的揭曉(外星人)。 My only caveat is that probably 95-98% full disclosure, I have known of 1 or 2 things that should not be in the public domain, 我(收到)的警告是只能公佈大概95-98%我所知的內容,並且目前大概有一到兩件不能在公眾領域說的事情。 at least not yet, it will be someday I am sure, but maybe not immediately. 至少是眼下還不能說,但有一天也許可以說,但不是立即。 But just as some children survive the idea of tooth fairy, and santa claus when they become adult, 正如孩童在長大之後能夠倖存於牙仙和聖誕老人一樣, I think that taxpaying citizens are quite capable of accepting the new and broader reality that we live in a cosmos teeming with life of various sorts. 我認為既然我們與許多生命形式共生,納稅的公民完全具有接受更新更廣大的現實的能力。 The fact that some civilizations are more advanced than ours, may be humbling, but that could be a necessary step in our survival. 事實上存在許多文明比我們更超前、更加謙遜,這對我們文明的生存性也有舉足輕重的意義。 The world is an unholy mess, we have at best until the end of this decade. 我們的世界是罪惡的一團糟,而如今只剩下幾年的時間(到2020年為止)。 In my book, I said we have 10 years to stop global warming if we don't want it to be beyond the point of no return. 在我的書中,我說我們大概有十年的時間去停止全球氣候變暖,否則一切將無可挽回。 Two years have gone past since it was written, so I say we have until the end of the decade to arrest global warming, 我寫的時候是兩年前,所以我(當時說)在2020年之前我們(還有十年的時間)去阻止全球氣候變暖。 yet our leaders don't even talk of it, except in a superficial way. 然而我們的領導人甚至不提起它,除非是非常膚淺地去談論。 They appear to be more interested in starting wars to control more oil, 他們似乎對如何挑起戰爭控制石油更加感興趣。 and in effect prolong the gravity of the effect. (而這)在程度上加大了事態的嚴重性。 Of course, even if they took the threat seriously, they wouldn't have the finances to finance the transition from oil to clean energy because we have an infinitely silly banking and financial system in the Western World. 當然,即使他們(領導人)認真對待,恐怕也沒有經費去把對石油的依賴轉變為自由能源因為我們西方世界擁有極其愚蠢的銀行和金融體系。 The United States congress, I regret to say, is partly responsible, 我很遺憾地說美國國會對此負有部分責任。 and I would be glad to elaborate on this, if you are interested. 假如你們有興趣的話,我很願意將上述觀點展開來談。 Finally, they need the technology for clean energy, and it exists, and is been kept secret by the same vested interests that control our destiny. 最後我想說的是,他們擁有自由能源,自由能源存在著,但被保密了。因為這涉及到我們(人類)被控制的命運。 Who are these vested interests, and what are they up to? 那麼誰是這些隱藏的受益者呢?他們究竟想怎樣? Well, Senator, you were talking about a military unta, well in my opinion that is true, 議員之前所說的有關一個陰謀集團(軍隊權力)存在,在我看來這是真的。 but I have broadened and deepened the definition to Cabal, and the Cabal comprises members of the three sisters. 但我想把這個事件展開並深入地說,這個陰謀集團包括三姐妹組織(世界動物衛生組織、國際植物保護公約和國際食物法典委員會)。 The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers, and The Tri-Lateral Commission, The International Banking Cartel, The Oil Cartel, members of various Intelligence organizations, 美國對外關係委員會、彼爾德伯格集團、三邊委員會、國際銀行卡特爾、國際石油卡特爾和多邊情報組織成員。 and select members of the military unta. 以及某些軍隊權力機構。 Together, have become a shadow government of not only the United States, 他們一起成為不僅是美國的影子政府。 but of much of the Western World. 而且是西方世界的影子政府。 The Council on Foreign Relations is the oldest of the three sisters, 外交關係協會是三姐妹組織最古老的成員。 and as early as October 1940, years before Germany surrendered to the Allied Armies and to vaporize Hitler's vision of empire, 並早在1940年十月,在德國敗於聯軍,希特勒帝國夢破碎之前, The Councils Economic and Finance group drafted a memorandum outlining a comprehensive policy, 經濟金融協會委員會起草了一份綜合政策的書函: quote "to set forth the political, military, territorial, and economic requirements of the United States and its political potential leadership of the non-German world, including the United Kingdom itself, as well as the Western Hemisphere and the Far East." 「為了推進美國政治、軍事、領土和經濟要求和對於非德國世界的政治領導潛力,包括英國和西方半球以及遠東地區。」 The council made absolutely no effort to disguise the fact that the purpose of the grand area, 委員會並未掩蓋它試圖控制廣大地區的野心。 and later hegemony, was to support an expanding U.S. economy, and to provide it with raw materials and products for its markets. 而隨後的強權皆是為了支持美國的經濟,為它提供原材料和市場。 This was labeled the "National Interest" quoth on quote. 而受益者方是「國家利益」。 It was equally clear that the National Interest was the interest of the ruling elite, 很顯然國家利益的受益者是精英統治階級。 whose members comprised of the Council. 組成委員會的成員。 The real interests of rank and file Americans was never a factor in the equation. 而美國國民並非受益者。 Mr. David Rockefeller was a member of all three of the sisters, 大衛洛克菲勒先生就是三姐妹集團的成員。 and is quoted as saying this in a meeting of the Bilderbergers in Europe; 根據他在歐洲彼爾德伯格會議上的言論: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, 我們感謝《華盛頓郵報》、《紐約時報》、《時代》雜誌和其他對我們會議表示重視的出版機構。 and have respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. 並感謝他們尊重(履行)謹慎的諾言40年之久。 It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the likes of publicity during those years. 如果在那些年沒有公眾的喜愛和支持的話,我們將無法達成我們對世界發展的目的。 But the world is more sophisticated, and prepared to march toward a world government, a supernational soverignty of an intellectual elite, 但世界變得更加精密了,並準備好邁向一個政府的世界,一個由知識精英所控制的超國家的機構。 and world bankers is surely more preferable to the auto-determination practiced in past centuries." 而世界銀行家也更傾向于于在過去幾百年中的自動決策。 He, of course, pretended he didn't say that, but the witness is reported by Daniel Estulin, 他當然假裝他沒有說過這些話,但根據在場者 Daniel Estulin的報道。 a thoroughly reliable reporter who has written "The True Story of the Bilderberger Group" 一個自始自終可靠的記者(《彼爾德伯格集團的真實故事》的作者) and if you really want to get inside of what's been going on there for this long time, that's a good place to go. 而且你如果想知道在那種地方真正進行著什麼的話,這是個值得挖掘的材料。 So, anyway, you hear what Mr. Rockefeller said, and so there you have it. 無論怎樣,你聽見大衛洛克菲勒先生是這麼說的,就這樣。 The aim of the game is a World Government, comprising members of a cabal, 遊戲的目的是世界政府,成員來自精英階層。 who are electedby no one, and accountable to no one, and according to Mr. Rockefeller, the plan is well advanced. 不選舉任何人也不為任何人的行為負責,根據大衛洛克菲勒先生所言,他們的計劃非常周密久遠。 Does this help you to understand why our Civil Rights are being taken away from us? I say us, because Canada, too, is included in the grand plan. 這是否使你對我們被奪走的公民權利有了更深的瞭解呢?我說我們,是因為加拿大也在這個「偉大」計劃當中。 A giant leap in the wrong direction followed the end of the Cold War. 冷戰結束後的一個巨大錯誤決策。 No one could have been happier than I was when the Berlin Wall came down on November the 9th, 1989. 沒有人能比我在1989年11月9號柏林牆倒下的時候更快樂了。 The elation on our side of the curtain was universal, and very significant on the other side, as one country after another regained its freedom. 在我們這邊的是全球性的快樂,在另一邊,當然一個國家接著另一個得到了他們的自由。 Nearly everyone believed it was the dawn of a new era of peace and prosperity for people everywhere. 幾乎所有人認為這將是所有人們進入一個和平繁榮新時代的開端。 There was much talk of a peace dividend. 有關分裂和平的言談有很多。 The prospects were dazzling, dazzling in their scope and diversity. 前景非常耀眼,範圍上和多樣性上。 It was a unique and God given opportunity for a new braver and fairer world. 這十分獨特,上帝/神給予了新的勇敢而公平的世界一個機會。 We blew it! We blew the chance of a lifetime to do good things. 但我們弄糟了它,我們失卻了做善事的一生的時間。 A small group of zealots undermined our golden opportunity to pursue peace , not war, and little did we dream that they had a vastly different vision of the New World Order. 一群猶太狂熱分子暗中利用我們追求和平的黃金機會,而我們其中的很少人想像過他們對於新世界秩序與眾不同的版本。 Their plan, which is now commonly known as the Project for a New American Century, include prevent of wars, in clear violation of International Law, 他們的計劃,現在普遍以美國新世紀計劃而被得知,包括嚴重違反國際公約、法律。 regime change wherever and whenever the U.S. desires, 一個隨著美國欲求而隨時更改的政權。 and if they can get away with it without excessive casualties, 一個他們可以輕易被放過的,沒有過多的人員傷亡(戰爭中)的 of the establishment a kind of economic and cultural hegemony with America acting as "constabulary" quoth on quote, 以世界警察為宣稱的美國經濟文化強權。 that was their world, globally. 這是他們的全球世界。 This was to be established with out authority of the United Nations, and without constraint of existing International Treaties. 這在最初是由我們的權力支持的聯合國,(如今允許)美國不被世界已定公約所約束。 It would involve a military build-up of unprecedented in peace-time history, and could trigger an arms race, which is precisely the opposite to a peace dividend that the world had looked forward to. 這將包含一個和平時期內前所未有的軍備,並可能導致軍備競賽(或戰爭),而這是與世界所期望的和平相反的東西。 The Machiavellian scheme involved Secret Police, the curtailment of Civil Liberties in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, 這個不擇手段的計劃包括秘密警察、對國民自由的縮減以及對美國憲法的公然違背。 and a more bundit economy operating way below its potential. 和一個摧毀潛力的強盜經濟系統。 Exactly those features for which the Soviet Union was held in contempt. 完全是當時我們所蔑視的蘇聯的特徵。 The initial draft of the document was so controversial when it was leaked to the New York Times, that it had to be rewritten. 這份草案的最初版本在被洩漏於《紐約時報》時,由於引起爭議過多而被修改。 It was not changed very much, just the cosmetics, enough to make it politically acceptable. 但草案沒有改變,只是遣詞用語上給它畫了個妝,使它能在政治上被接受。 The document said this: "It may have been easy to persuade President Bush to abandon his stated policy of not getting American more involved in International Affairs, 文件說:相比說服美國人們,說服美國總統布什放棄他不使美國加入更多國際事件的政策來說更加簡單。 but persuading the American people would be more difficult. (也就是說隱瞞美國人民他們被動地加入更多「國際事件」) Sophisticated Americans would question such a giant sea change of policy." 明智的美國人會質疑政策上為何作出這樣巨大決策變化的原因。 The authors of rebuilding America's defenses, strategies, and resources for a New Century recognized the difficulties from the outset, because their document contained the following sentence: 《重建下一個世紀美國國防、政策和資源》一書的作者認識到開始的難度(指美國加入更多「國際事件」) 因為這份文件中包含著以下的句子: "Further the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary changes, its likely to be a long one, absent of some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor." 轉變的步驟,即使它將帶來革命性的改變,也會需要很久的時間。除非有災難性或催化的事件發生,如珍珠港事件。 It wasn't too long before they got their catastrophic and catalyzing event, terrorist struck the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on September the 11th, 2001. 而之後不久他們就得到了災難性和催化的事件,恐怖分子於2001年9月11日攻擊了紐約的世貿大廈和華盛頓的五角大樓。 Incidentally, they have removed the sentence about Pearl Harbor on the document that you can find on the Internet. 而與此同時,他們暗中除掉了你能在網上找到的那份文件中關於珍珠港的那句話。 Almost the whole world mourned, Canada mourned, the overwhelming majority of Muslims condemned the attacks. 世界為此事件悲悼、加拿大也是,並且大多數的穆斯林也如此。 My sympathy for the friends and families of the injured and dead was genuine and unwavering to this day. 我至今對在此事件中的不幸遇難者以及受傷者的朋友和家屬表示真切而堅定的同情。 My sympathy for the United States Government began to grow quite thin, however, when I heard President Bush cite the reasons for the attack. 然而我對於美國政府的同情漸漸消失,當我聽到總統布什對襲擊原因的解釋 I quote, "Why do they hate us?", he asked rhetorically in an address to the congress. 我引用如下 「為什麼他們恨我們?」 他在對國會的演說中反覆重複著句話。 "They hate what they see right here in this chamber, a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. 他們仇恨我們是因為在此地我們擁有一個民主選舉的政府,而他們的則是獨裁政府。 They hate our freedoms, our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote, to disassemble, to disagree with each other." 他們恨我們是由於我們擁有自由,宗教自由、言論自由、選舉自由、集會自由和辯論的自由。 I felt sad when I heard the president's word, I assumed that he believed what he was saying, 我對我所聽到的總統的言論感到悲哀,猜想他也許相信他所說的。 but if that were true he was profoundly ignorant of the real thoughts and feelings of people in other parts of the world. 但如果是這樣,那麼他對於世界別處的人們的瞭解實在是他淺薄了。 If he wanted to hear the truth, he should have listened to Osama Bin Laden, who was well informed of the kind of origins of fanatically hatred in the United States, which has lead to such treachery. 假如他想知道真相,也許應該聽一聽本拉登對此的看法: This is his [sic](Osama Bin Laden) version of events: "Every Muslim must rise to defend his religion. 每一個穆斯林都應該奮起守護他的宗教。 The wind of faith is blowing, and the wind of change is blowing to remove evil from the pential of Mohammed. 信仰之風吹起,這層風將刮走籠罩在默罕默德上的邪惡陰霾。 Peace be upon him. As to America, I say to you and it's people a few words, I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palestine, 希望和平與他同在。對於美國,我想對你和你的人民說,我向上帝發誓,除非巴勒斯坦得到和平,否則你們也無法得到和平。 and before all the armies of infidels depart the land of Mohammed. Peace be upon him." 並且直到所有軍隊退出默罕默德的領土。 希望和平與他同在。 That is clear enough, the dislike of America has nothing to do with Democracy vs. Dictatorship, or wealth, or freedom of religion, or freedom of assembly, 這不是很顯然的嘛,對於美國的不滿跟民主和獨裁、富裕和宗教自由以及集會自由根本就沒有關係。 it is directly related to American foot dragging and stickhandling at the Palestinian question. 而這與美國曲解巴勒斯坦文化和宗教有很大的關係。 Mr. Cook interrupts Hon. Hellyer to give him two minutes warning. 主持人打斷 Hellyer的發言並給他最後兩分鐘的時間。 In short, American foreign policy was the root of the conflict. 簡單地說,美國國防政策是一切衝突的根源。 So here we are more than a decade later fighting another war that can't be won. 而如今,十多年過去了,我們依然在一場無法打贏的戰爭中徘徊著。 There is no country powerful enough to protect its citizens from fanatical hate, as we learn from the Boston Marathon. 正如我們從波士頓馬拉松事件當中所看到的,沒有一個國家能強大到足以保護它的人民免於憎恨的傷害。 The mere attempt to pursue the impossible, pits neighbor against neighbor, and the state power structure against everyone. 而所有為此付出的,鄰國對抗鄰國,強權對抗強權的都將是一場枉然。 All of the freedoms won by the millions of men and women who fought and died in World War 2 are being flushed unceremoniously down the drain. 所有在二戰中為自由獻出生命的百萬年輕人如今被無情地衝下了下水管道(指被遺忘)。 The only hope of peace is to negotiate a settlement, this will require a paradigm shift in America attitudes. 唯一和平的希望就是和解,這將要求美國在態度上的轉變。 It involves a defacto renunciation of the Plan for a New American Energy, and the adoption of a pledge for cooperation with all humankind, to build the kind of world which we are collectively capable of. 這將需要美國對於新能源的啟動,與其他人類的合作並建立一個我們共同維護的世界。 Young people everywhere need to be challenged by a noble cause, they need to be involved in arresting global warming, 所有的年輕人都應該被一種高貴的使命所挑戰,他們應該加入到遏制全球變暖的隊伍中。 creating a banking system that is just and sustainable, and lead the way to the transformation to the new reality that we have to live in harmony with our celestial neighbors, as well as seeking peace on earth. 創造一個公平和持續的銀行系統,並步入一個與我們星際鄰居和諧和平共處的地球。 In a word, we have to become spiritual beings, and practice the ONE tenet that the World's major religions have in common, that is, The Golden Rule. 簡單地說,我們需要成為靈性的生命,並找出世界主要宗教所共同追求的黃金法則。 This is from the late Dr. John Mack, an American Secular Jewish Psychiatrist, who became a world leader interviewee of abductees, or experiencers as he called them, 來自於過世的 John Mack博士,一位猶太籍美國心理學家,他是一位世界外星接觸者(他稱為體驗者)的採訪者。 came to this conclusion in a startling book, "Passport To The Cosmos", quote "Although the aliens themselves are not Gods, their behavior is anything but Godlike. 在他奇妙的書《通向宇宙的護照》結尾:雖然外星人並非神,但他們的行為卻帶著神性。 Abductees consistently report that the beings seem closer to God than we are, acting as messengers, guardian spirits, or angels, intermediaries between us and the Divine Source." 外星接觸者一直地宣稱這些外星人比我們更接近神,他們如同信使、守護神靈、天使和我們與神性所在之間的橋樑媒介。 Thank you 謝謝。 來源: http://www.douban.com/note/276333640/ 視頻:http://t.cn/zTdxX0Y 來源:http://www.awaker.net/2013/05/14/et-disclosure-hearing-former-canadian-defense-minister-talk-of-the-us-government-and-the-aliens.html 感謝:曇隱的日記 提供
壞壞俱樂部 2013-05-18 15:23:27 #2F
日前我也有在注意這個新聞 還滿有趣的...^^





2024 新生兒保單》還不知道怎麼規劃嗎?30秒快速瞭解還有抽獎等著你!
2024 新生兒保單》還不知道怎麼規劃嗎?30秒快速瞭解還有抽獎等著你!

2024 新生兒保單》還不知道怎麼規劃嗎?30秒快速瞭解還有抽獎等著你!





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媽咪質感必修課 用心愛自己
媽咪質感必修課 用心愛自己

媽咪質感必修課 用心愛自己