
Help!!! How much solid food and formula does a 6-month-old need?

Mommy Jess
Mommy Jess 2004-01-14 13:57:26 版主 1352

Mommy Jess has been trying to learn how much solid food and formula to give to Little One in 24 hours. Little One is now 5-6 months, and he can eat two bowls of solid food and 12~22 ounces of formula a day. Is this normal for his age? Please help~ (Please feel free to write in Chinese.)

(原作者於 2004-01-14 13:59:42 重新編輯過)

(原作者於 2004-01-14 14:00:45 重新編輯過)

Veronica 2004-01-14 14:34:47 #1F

I think it's normal for his age !But you have to be sure those

solid food you made are natural and easy to digest, and avoid

the kind of food such as seafood or eggs that is

allergenic ! Go buy some books about those topics or go

ask a doctor if you need help ! I think it's useful !

Because some of our experiences may not be correct !

Happy New Year !

Mommy Jess
Mommy Jess 2004-01-14 15:18:43 #2F

Hi, Veronica:

Thank you for the message. I did make an appointment with Little One's doctor in two weeks, but I am afraid he can get sick before that. Maybe I should feed him some juice?

Veronica 2004-01-14 16:58:12 #3F

Pure apple juice is good but not orange juice.I read the book

that it is said we have to give the baby only one kind of the

solid food at the first time and see if he is allergic to this

kind of food.Since you have the appointment with the doctor

in two weeks. Maybe you could stop giving him the solid food

before going to see the doctor because you have deep concern

about it.

Veronica 2004-01-14 18:45:29 #4F

By the way ,remember to write down all your concern on the

notebook before going to see a doctor.I know it's not so

convenient and cheap to see a doctor there .

Mommy Jess
Mommy Jess 2004-01-15 01:21:23 #5F

Thank you, Veronica!!! Yes, I will take notes this time. I forgot to take it last time, so I couldn't remember to ask many questions. Although I can just call the nurse to ask questions, I always feel more comfortable to ask the doctor. In the states, it's awful about their health system, without good health benefit package fro m your employer, can bring a heavy load upon a mid-income family!!! (Try average $1000 a month just to pay the health insurance and not even being sick!) It's like, if you don't have money, do go to see doctors!!!????? Life here can be tough, not as easy as many people thought....

(原作者於 2004-01-15 01:24:20 重新編輯過)

Veronica 2004-01-15 11:47:21 #6F

I totally can understand what you mean !

If I can find more articles about baby food ,I will e-mail

them to you !

Mommy Jess
Mommy Jess 2004-01-16 03:35:03 #7F


Thank you~ You are such a caring person!!! Little One still won't drink much milk, but he went to bed a bit earier yesterday so I didn't have the super long night!!!











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